It's not just about the story of our village but also about everyone in every places.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Quote about women by: Nicole Hollander

Can you imagine a world without men?  No crime and lots of happy fat women.  
~Nicole Hollander

Well im putting this quote is not by reason to critics the other half of our significant. After sometime skipping from updating my blog i just suddenly wanna talk about women for a month. I will start looking for good looking, fascinating, have a great taste of fashion, smart and more for my boring blog. 

Saturday, October 30, 2010


What is Tamu Besar?

Tamu Besar is an annual grand festival for the 'Sunday Open Market" in Kota Belud, Sabah. Its a place to meet and trade for peoples that live in Kota Belud and also from other places. It is well known as Sabah biggest open-air-market where we can find a lot of things and it has one of the best bargain. Fisherman, farmers and differ kind of vendors came by offering the best product for customers. What the best thing about Tamu Besar, it is a place that melting with differ cultures where bajau's, irranun, kadazandusun, chinese and etc. A lot of beautiful cultural showcase was present for the the very day for public.

Kota Belud Tamu gate, annual Tamu Besar on 2009

Where is Kota Belud?

Welcome Sign for Kota Belud Town.

Sabah map

Kota Belud famously knows as 'The Land of the Cowboy East". Its 70km from Kota Kinabalu where its took an hour to drive. Kota Belud is rich with diversity of the cultures and its show on their costumes, languages, dances, music and ceremony.

On the day of Tamu Besar, visitors and tourist usually will serve with various activities as:

1. Bajau Horseman show
2. Ratu Serimpak competition (Its Bajau's Miss Teen pageant, similar of Unduk Ngadau pageant)

3. Buffalo Racing

4. Bertitik (Bajau's traditional instrument)

Open air market and handicraft booth:

Fisherman goods ready for sale
Farmers goods ready for sale
Kadazandusun's Handicraft Booth
Bajau's Handicraft Booth

Variety of Handicraft

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I like list: Alizée - J'ai Pas Vingt Ans

Cool song & dance! Happy sunday!!

Quotes of the day by: Charles Dickens

Reflect upon your blessings, of which every man has plenty, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.

Happy sunday!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Do you know?

Kopi Luwak is made from Civet Poop! Ewwwwwww......

Well not really. But the process of making this super expensive Kopi Luwak in Indonesia is indeed by letting the civet eat the coffee, as they have the ability of identify of good seeds. And those civets only eat the good seeds! And from those civets poop, the coffee will be clean up and there you go. The famous and expensive coffee you ever had. 

It may expensive but most peoples who ever tasted and be a fans of the coffee said its was the best compare to others. So can we argue if its may the best coffee in the world? It’s said; in Indonesia they serve the coffee of more then MYR30 per-cup. Well when i do the Indonesia trip i may have the thought of give a try without thinking of the civets poop.... (God really??). 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Quotes of the day by: Albert Einstein

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

What i do on weekend?


I did watched;

WALL STREET: Money Never Sleeps.

This movie is sequel of Wall Street Movie that made on 1987, where backed then played by Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen and Daryl Hannah. Then after 23 years they make a sequel for the movie that once make Douglas won The Best Actor in Academy Award. Well the leading man still by Michael Douglas (as Gordon Gekko), but with new faces Shia LeBeouf (as Jake Moore) and Carey Mulligan (asWinnie Gekko).

I actually never watched the first one so im not sure how to its was but based on the Wall Street 2010 movie and the reason why Michael Douglas won his Academy Award backed then its assure me that the lasted one must be as good as this one. I didn't give the synopsis in case its may harming the mood of good feelings before you even go to the cinema.

The cover of Wall Street 1987 movie:

I'm already plan to get the DVD for Wall Street 1987.

Writer: Ragang Pencil
Pictures: From Wikipedia

What i do on weekend?

Few of my choices is:
I read this book for the first time last year on 2009. Well it may not the type of book that guys may fall into but im sure girls will falls on their knee for it. I put Katie Mac Alister is one of my favorite author. And i already owned quite a numbers of her book and for this guardian series its has 4 books and i owned 3 of them.1st book is: "You Slay Me" as its on above picture.

2nd Book: Fire Me up

 3rd Book: Light My Fire

4th Book: Holy Smokes

The last one im still waiting my order from Times book store. Aww FYI Times book store in kota kinabalu can help you order books that they have non in their collection. If you guys have trouble do ordering from Amazon then try Times. They has store in Warisan Square and the latest in 1B. Im not sure if there's another store of them in KK though. Well maybe this is some few of books that you may love to try to read. Dont get them all in once, maybe get the 1st book first. I have to tell for my side i love it very very much. So shall you give a try?

Writer: Ragang Pencil
Pictures: All from Katie Mac Alister website

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Quotes of the day by: Franklin D. Roosevelt

It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.

Funny thing of the day

French & Sounders imitate CHER.

Bon Jovi- All About Loving You

I like list, enjoy :)

Do you know?

Horse sleep standing! Well most of their sleeping is standing up. Their leg is special as they can lock in place to prevent them to falling over. I wonder how if human can lock their leg on place, we may can sleep while waiting the long speech that we attended without chair.... its just an idea :).

Piano: Yiruma - Kiss The Rain (Full Version)

I like list of the day, enjoy :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Songs cover: River Flows in You Piano Duet

Original song by Yiruma but this girls play very very well! You may end up checking on piano class soon and get your very own piano or at least key board. Its amazing....

Yiruma - River Flows in You

It maybe one of the best sound i ever heard.

Arab Song: Amr Diab - Tamally Maak

 I like list of the day. Enjoy :).

Quotes of the day by: Earl Chesterfield

Be wiser than other people if you can, but do not tell them so.


Right or Left Brain

I love quizzes, and sometime i just simply surf the net to play some nice quizzes for pass time. But the other day i crossed by, on one page of brain test. I've taken the brain test to see if im right or left brain. And i like it. Wondering of which brain you use? There's some little quizzes about brain test that we may tried and we may fully aware which brain we used more.

However this web just don't serve you with brain test but you may like to take some of your time to do some test likes personality, career, health and etc. So you may like this share, try this web:
Enjoy :).

Monday, September 27, 2010

Quotes of the day by: Dr. Albert Schweitzer

An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere. The pessimist sees only the red light. But the truly wise person is color blind.



Old dusun song that i simply put as "I like" list. Enjoy :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dusun Songs: Aramaiti-John Samud

Asaru oku korongow diti lagu di gulu-gulu, om asanangan oku nopo. Jadi minaan ku share hit baino.
Aiso no lobih aramai dari bahasa dati sendiri. Heyyyyyyyyyy aramaiiiiiiiiii tiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!

Quotes of the day by: Alexander Pope

Be not the first by whom the new are tried, nor yet the last to lay the old aside.

Time To Say Goodbye Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman.flv

One of my all time favorite! Put in the list of the day. Enjoy :).

Andrea Bocelli- Con te Partiro

I like list of the day. Enjoy :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Quotes of the day by: Lao Tzu

All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small.

Lady Antebellum - Need You Now

"I likeeeeeeee" list of the day :)

Kelebihan Kopi / Benefit of Coffe

Beberapa tahun yang lepas, ramai yang mengatakan kopi adalah tidak baik untuk kesihatan. Tetapi beberapa kajian telah di lakukan ke atas kopi dan ia telah menunjukkan yang kopi sebenarnya mempunyai kelebihan dengan mengurangkan risiko beberapa penyakit seperti kanser, diabetes, parkinson, alzheimer dan juga membantu mengurangkan serangan asthma sekiranya tiba-tiba pesakit tidak mempunyai ubat.

Kopi juga di katakan mempunyai kebaikan dalam bidang kecantikan kerana kopi kaya dengan kandungan anti-oksidant yang baik untuk melambatkan proses penuaan.Ia juga baik untuk menghilangkan celulit dan tidak hairanlah kenapa banyak scrub badan di pasaran yang mengandungi serbuk kopi sebagai bahan utama.

Jadi mitos yang mengatakan kopi adalah tidak baik untuk kesihatan adalah cerita semata-mata. Jadi kita yang sudah biasa menghidangkan kopi di waktu pagi tidaklah perlulah risau kerana di katakan minum lebih dari 3 cawan sehari adalah baik untuk mengurangkan risiko beberapa penyakit tersebut.

Sila rujuk website berikut untuk membaca lebih lanjut mengenai kelebihan kopi:

Penulis: Ragang Pencil
Picture from:

Quotes of the day by: Aristotle

All human beings, by nature, desire to know.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Paramore: The Only Exception [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Asaru oku korongow diti lagu hilo radio & maan ko share di sbb relaxing nopo kopio karangahan ku diti lagu.
I likeeeeeeeee :).

What do you see?

Is this evening wonder or just some loner? How a picture can show how beautiful of one moment but same time tell about lonely or heartbreaking. Pictures can tell you many story, just look it at and its will tell you a story that you may never forget. 

Picture by: Amateur T

S. Welly & Brenda AJ Londoh - Pinirubaan Mogowit Piupusan

S. Welly & Brenda AJ Londoh - Pinirubaan Mogowit Piupusan

Language: In Dusun accent 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Magazines as Reading Material.

Some peoples consider magazines weren’t the real reading material, as its flooding with gossip column. However in my opinion, a lot of magazine providing a good articles because there’s some latest info about almost everything was served in their monthly issue. You can find a lot of info likes health, beauty, fashion, children's, books, etc. And I do believe our choice of reading is not necessary a books that has at least 500 pages for our knowledge improvement.  Even these day, even with those online info’s that provided, peoples still has the traditional sense of loving to get at least one or two magazines to look at in their pass time.

Picture By: Amateur T

Nunu oponting Tisin ko Koginawaan

Asaru yati korongow dit agumu tulun dot koruba ralan diri ou eh yolo koilo hongo piliyon. Ogumu tulun dit momoros tisin oponting, haro iri koboros kadau dot koginawaan iri oponting. Nunu pendapat dikoyu?

Picture By: Amateur T

Alawa view 1: Super relaxing doggy at the river side

* This doggy were proved to have a good time while do the walking at the Gandukut river

Picture By: Amateur T

Monday, September 20, 2010

View mantad Gandukut.

* Alawa no gia ti pamandagan dot hiti koi..

Picture By: Amateur T

Life lesson (For girls but guys should read just think opposite of the story)

How many of us those hate our day job? Some of us very lucky if they indeed enjoying the work that do pay their monthly bills. I always want to work from home, but still I’m one of the 90% peoples who work 8am to 5pm. End of the month is arrive and now we are busy to settle the car installment and house installment. Well if we have any home of our own, or we rented.

What happened of our pasted 10 years plan? Have the higher education with overseas Degree/Mba, successful career with high salary and getting married to our prince charming. Prince Charming? Well our description of prince charming the pasted 10 or 15 years ago is the guy give us flowers, give us gift, take us to traveling around the world at 5 star resort, someone who look like Prince Charming in the Cinderella books, someone who build us a castle and everything is about this super marvelous stories that never end. Well believe it or not, it’s actually another word of filthy rich prince who at least can buy you anything you want and who owned jet to take you everywhere you want.

Now back to the reality, tell me who has the most splendid career with high pay? Anyone?
And which one of you that already owned home? Home those who still struggling to pay the mortgage are count, if you have one. And how about to marrying the man you dream off long time ago, whiles we in high school rolling our eyes to the hotties. Our much owned prince charming.

Forgive me if I broke your heart into little pieces but I think most of us learned that in a very hard way. How many of us that been fool by our lovers, how many of us who have history of credit cards bills, buying designer clothes and hand beg that we only wore twice for showing off, skip the car installment as we short the cash, still renting with your small apartment and the worse part is still waiting for the prince charming.

Peoples say once you grow older, we grow wiser. Are we? But we are the owner of our stories where hope, feelings, wish, ambitions, jealousy and more that become the sacred of your heart. We can fool everyone but we can’t fool the owner of your body. But every girls has own secret.

To this day I have to face the reality of I still work my self out for just some little pay and I felt that I deserve more. Still struggle of making the end meet for bills and all. But I don’t lose hope. That is super nova important. I learned that good family are based of the good self, friends that you mixed with can either give you a good and bad influence. The love of your life is the person who can take the good and the bad of yourself and you have to act the same in return!

And failed of some life tasked it doesn’t mean it the end of your life, it’s never to late to start the new phase of your life. It’s not over, its may the beginning of the greatest.

Story by: Ragang Pencil

New Blog

Mantad po di gulu-gulu om ominat okuno da dot momonsoi dot blog. Hilo nopo ginawo ku hom, roiton
ku daa iri ngaran di Kg. ku sebagai ngaran dii blog ku. Nga agayo kemungkinan dot bahasa nopo gunaoon nga bahasa melayu, bahasa dusun om bahasa inggeris. Iri nopo nga menyenangkan dot isai-isai nopo mintong diti blog nga ke faham iyolo.