It's not just about the story of our village but also about everyone in every places.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Life lesson (For girls but guys should read just think opposite of the story)

How many of us those hate our day job? Some of us very lucky if they indeed enjoying the work that do pay their monthly bills. I always want to work from home, but still I’m one of the 90% peoples who work 8am to 5pm. End of the month is arrive and now we are busy to settle the car installment and house installment. Well if we have any home of our own, or we rented.

What happened of our pasted 10 years plan? Have the higher education with overseas Degree/Mba, successful career with high salary and getting married to our prince charming. Prince Charming? Well our description of prince charming the pasted 10 or 15 years ago is the guy give us flowers, give us gift, take us to traveling around the world at 5 star resort, someone who look like Prince Charming in the Cinderella books, someone who build us a castle and everything is about this super marvelous stories that never end. Well believe it or not, it’s actually another word of filthy rich prince who at least can buy you anything you want and who owned jet to take you everywhere you want.

Now back to the reality, tell me who has the most splendid career with high pay? Anyone?
And which one of you that already owned home? Home those who still struggling to pay the mortgage are count, if you have one. And how about to marrying the man you dream off long time ago, whiles we in high school rolling our eyes to the hotties. Our much owned prince charming.

Forgive me if I broke your heart into little pieces but I think most of us learned that in a very hard way. How many of us that been fool by our lovers, how many of us who have history of credit cards bills, buying designer clothes and hand beg that we only wore twice for showing off, skip the car installment as we short the cash, still renting with your small apartment and the worse part is still waiting for the prince charming.

Peoples say once you grow older, we grow wiser. Are we? But we are the owner of our stories where hope, feelings, wish, ambitions, jealousy and more that become the sacred of your heart. We can fool everyone but we can’t fool the owner of your body. But every girls has own secret.

To this day I have to face the reality of I still work my self out for just some little pay and I felt that I deserve more. Still struggle of making the end meet for bills and all. But I don’t lose hope. That is super nova important. I learned that good family are based of the good self, friends that you mixed with can either give you a good and bad influence. The love of your life is the person who can take the good and the bad of yourself and you have to act the same in return!

And failed of some life tasked it doesn’t mean it the end of your life, it’s never to late to start the new phase of your life. It’s not over, its may the beginning of the greatest.

Story by: Ragang Pencil

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